Stance Detection in Tweets: Yes or No?

This is the project page for SemEval 2016 task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets.

DATA and Task:

227 Atheism The Son of God became man so that we might become God. ~Athanasius #SemST AGAINST

123 Atheism 'Pop may throw in the towel second half.. #SemST NONE

375 Atheism @GregAbbott_TX which god? Yours? not mine. oh wait i don't have one. #LoveWins #SemST FAVOR



_        precision    recall  f1-score   support

AGAINST      0.68     0.85     0.76       53     

  FAVOR      0.70     0.64     0.67       22     

   NONE      0.71     0.40     0.51       25     

    avg      0.69     0.69     0.68      100     

